My Services

SEO Article Writer Holding a Camera

SEO Article Writing

I write compelling SEO articles that’ll dominate your competition and assert your website’s Domain Authority in no time. The sample below is ranked 2nd on Google for the “vaping makes you poop” keyphrase.

Here are some of my preferred tools for writing SEO articles:

  • ClearScope or SurferSEO for maximum SEO scores and outranking your competition.
  • CoSchedule for crafting the best headlines for your content.
  • Ahrefs Keyword Generator to search for the best keywords for your content.

Video Game Story Writing

If you need an enthralling video game story that subverts your player’s expectations, while also integrating gameplay elements in the narrative, I can help you by expanding your video game idea to its best version.

You’ll get:

  • Your video game story outline & dialogue script.
  • A detailed document with your story's worldbuilding and context.
  • A document with all your character's backstories and personalities.
Video Game Story Writer Map

Web3 Consultancy

As a Web3 project consultant, I offer my expertise from over 30+ Web3 project interviews and three Web3 whitepapers for project developers looking for VC and Blockchain success.

Here's what you'll get:

  • A Web3 Whitepaper for Pitching to VC & Web3 Investors
  • Competitor Report with exhaustive information on your threats and opportunities.
  • A Summary of Tokenomics & Governance of your project.
  • Web3 Copywriting for Your Project's Landing Page

Video Scriptwriting

The SEO optimized script will include an engaging hook, SEO keywords, and CTA’s to boost subscriptions. I’m also skilled at brainstorming video topics with high virality rates, based on current trends and popular keywords. 

Grow your channel, social media account, or TikTok by purchasing a package of my high-converting video scripts. 

Click on the sample below to know what you’ll get:

  • YouTube Videos & Ads
  • Instagram & Facebook Ads
  • TikTok Ads
Freelance Video Scriptwriting
Freelance Podcast Scriptwriter

Podcast Scriptwriting

Tell your podcast like a story. I’ll keep your podcast ideas organized in an engaging, SEO optimized podcast script

This service is for new podcasters who need help researching viral headlines for their episodes, or for established podcasters who want to increase their production.

  • Podcast Show Notes
  • A SEO optimized podcast script, with hook, intro, body, outro.
  • CTA's for driving traffic to your social media handles.


I write copy that makes the phone ring. Your product needs the best descriptions for your digital marketing strategy. 

Choose this service if you need more results from your social media campaigns, more conversions in your website, and better copy for your e-mail marketing strategy.

What you'll get:

  • Higher Landing Page Conversions.
  • More Subscribers In Your E-mail List
  • More Social Media Ad Leads
Freelance copywriter.